Cross River State Honey Bee Project:

The work towards the sustainable lives of Bees and economic development from Apicultural establishment in the 18 Local Government Areas of the state.

Applauses to the State Governor, Prof. Ben Ayade on his Agricultural innovation.

By: Ambassador Agim Godwin Apple – SSA to Governor on Honey Bee Project and Head of Project, CRS Honey Bee Project.

The reason establishment of Apiaries, control Task Force on Illegal Bee hunting and a central Honey Collection by the Cross River State Government.

Bee survival is at risk: the danger is just around the corner as Bush burning and the use of insecticide/The local bee hunting continues in the state.

Until recently, the work of bees and other pollinators was carried out directly by nature and – at least apparently – at no cost.

Today the situation Cross River State has changed radically, and in many areas of the world there is an alarming trend towards a decrease in the services offered by these allies of our Planet.

The diversity of pollinators is at risk, so much so that 40 percent of the species of invertebrate pollinators – in particular bees and butterflies – now run the risk of extinction.

This risk is fairly minor, but by no means negligible, and the same is true for vertebrate pollinators: globally 16.5 percent of them are threatened.

Underlying this situation are the profound changes in agricultural and food production systems, which have modified the structure and use of land.

These have transformed agricultural practices by making them intensive, focusing on monocultures and the use of pesticides that have ended up causing the fragmentation and degradation of pollinator habitats.

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