Head of Project and SSA to Governor on Honey Bee Project, Ambassador Agim Godwin Apple.

Ongoing motivational campaign on the need for Apiculture as measures for sustainable Food Chain and Wildlife Conservation in Cross River State.

Attention Please:

Start a beekeeping business with an agricultural or conservation grant.

Bees are vital, and grant money for new apiaries is becoming common to encourage the expansion of hive development and inject much-needed capital into a tight-margin business.

Bees are important for honey production, but they are also essential for crop production.

So it may not only be the honey and wax profits that are affected.

Some beekeepers focus exclusively on honey production, while others raise pollinators.

The pollinators are critical in the agricultural industry, such as the Cross River State rice farms, without bees to pollinate crops, the yields suffer significant losses.

In some cases, less than half of a typical crop yield is achievable without bees.

Beekeepers in Nigeria are blessed for having all year round fruits, wild flowers and water, in all seasons.

For instance, the Obudu Bee Farm project, has beekeepers produced build Hives and also transport bees to different locations in Nigeria.

The business operates year-round, and farmers pay the beekeepers to maintain their end of this important, co-dependent relationship.

The beekeeping world has experienced significant difficulties with colony collapse disorder (CCD). CCD causes entire colonies to die off by vandalism, indiscriminate bush burning of illegal bees hunters, placing the farmers in challenging financial position.

With the effort s of the state governor, Prof. Ben Ayade, I am calling on all communities in the state to adopt Prof. Ben Ayade’s agricultural ideology and start individual Apiculture for sustainable development in Cross River State.

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