About Us


We are non profit organization with global interest that aims to improve the quality of life for the community and beyond.

Founded and led by Ambassador Agim Godwin Apple, the Human Rights Watch and Youths Empowerment Foundation is a Nigerian think-tank that seeks to amplify the voices of the people, both young and old, in line with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which among other things, are geared towards empowering the vulnerable in our society.

The Foundation, which received its Certificate of Incorporation from the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria, in Abuja, on February 20, 2020, is also a human rights organization intent on promoting the cultural heritage and harmony of our society’s beautiful human existence, through strong advocacy for civil relationships, access to information, gender equality and various tenets of good governance, including equity and non-discrimination, justice and the rule of law, peace and security, and opportunity and prosperity. Indeed, one of our priorities is to contribute to national advancement by encouraging various segments of society to participate meaningfully and devotedly in developmental activities.

Simply put, the International Human Rights Watch and Youth Empowerment Foundation is a grouping of like-minded and passionate men and women who are vigorously committed to reinventing our society and truly positioning it among the leading and prosperous nations of the world, powered by strong institutions, harmonious and prosperous, devoid of discrimination of any sort, be it of ethnicity or, religion, sex/gender, socioeconomic status, physical challenges, and so on, so as to engender the comprehensive capacity building needed to bring about sustainable wealth creation and our collective social, economic and political well-being. We hope to achieve that by essentially drawing on the driving force of the youths from various parts of the country, as well as other elements of our society. 

Our Mission

We will conduct regular investigations of human rights abuses in our society. Our team will prioritize active and comprehensive research across the length and breadth of the nation so that our advocacy and reports will be, at all times, well-grounded in fact and evidence.

Our Vission

The Human Rights Watch and Youths Empowerment Foundation exists to defend the rights of the vulnerable in our society and empower the youths to contribute meaningfully and devotedly to national development and advancement.

Our Values

  • Accountability
  • Reliability

Our Organisation has been existing for over 7 years. We believe in equal rights for all.

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What We Do